# Expression

Understanding expressions requires some programming skills. NodeVideo uses MiniScript (opens new window) as the built-in programming language, You can refer to its Quick Reference (opens new window) or User's Manual (opens new window) to learn.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to program. Please refer to the Expression Examples and copy codes for your needs.

# Global Variables

Name Explanation Type
time The current time of this layer Number
name The name of this parameter String
value The current value of this paramater Number, [,], [,,]
frameDuration One frame time, equivalent to 1/FPS Number
speed The speed of change of the current parameter Number
velocity The velocity of change of the current parameter Number, [,], [,,]
numKeys The number of keyframes the current parameter contains Number
numLayers The number of layers the current group contains Number
index The index of this layer under the parent group Number

View Variables

All the above variables can be viewed through the expression: "print variable".

# Global Objects

# thisLayer

Name Explanation Type
name The name of this layer String
index The index of this layer Number
startTime The current time of this layer Number
is3D Is this layer in 3D mode Number
position Position 2D[,], 3D[,,]
scale Scale 2D[,], 3D[,,]
pivot Pivot 2D[,], 3D[,,]
rotation Rotation 2D[Number], 3D[,,]
opacity Opacity Number
parent Parent group Same as thisLayer

# Built-in Functions

Name Explanation Parameters
wiggle Wiggle effect
Same as Wiggle Editor
-octaves(default 1)
-amp_mult(default 0.5)
-time(default is current time)
smooth Sample the current parameter
and take the average
-width(default 0.1)
-samples(default 5)
-time(default is current time)
posterizeTime Set the update frequency of the expression -updatesPerSecond
key Get keyframes -index
nearestKey Get the keyframe closest to the current time -time(default is current time)
seedRandom Set random number seed -seed
-timeless(default is false)
random Get a random number -min
noise Get a smooth noise -number
loopIn Cycle forward from the first keyframe -type
loopOut Cycle backward from the last keyframe -type
loopInDuration Same as LoopIn, but can set loop duration -type(same as LoopIn)
loopOutDuration Same as LoopOut, but can set loop duration -type(same as LoopOut)
timeToTimecode Convert time to timecode
-time(default is current time)
-timecodeBase(default 30)
-isDuration(default false)
timeToFrames Convert time to frames -time(default is current time)
-fps(default project fps)
-isDuration(default false)
framesToTime Convert frames to time -frames
-fps(default project fps)
velocityAtTime The velocity of change of the current parameter -time(default is current time)
speedAtTime The speed of change of the current parameter -time(default is current time)
valueAtTime The value of the current parameter -time(default is current time)
linear Linear interpolation -t[0-1]
ease Smooth interpolation, tangent at both ends is 0 -t[0-1]
easeIn Smooth interpolation, tangent at start is 0 -t[0-1]
easeOut Smooth interpolation, tangent at end is 0 -t[0-1]
rgbToHsl Convert RGB to HSL -rgbaArray
hslToRgb Convert HSL to RGB -hslaArray
toFixed Returns the value as a string, specifying the number of decimal places -number
-places(default 2))
layer Returns specify layer -index
-isRelative(default true)

# Math Functions

- - -
abs(x) acos(x) asin(x)
atan(y,x) ceil(x) cos(r)
sin(r) floor(x) log(x,b)
round(x,d) pi sign(x)
sqrt(x) tan(r) exp(f)
pow(f,p) clamp(v,min,max) length(v)